Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thank goodness for scriptures

In life we have trials.  So yes this is not easy.  Usually children love me.  Usually adults love me and think I am so great.  Here I am in China where neither is true.  Well I am not saying they hate me but the adults that I work with seem frustrated by my every move and the children here do not understand a word I say.  This is making my job as a teacher not just hard, but impossible.  In frustration me and my roommate went back to our rooms after being kicked out of her first class of teaching by a Chinese teacher who took over because the class was uncontrollable by us.  My roommate was far more frustrated than me, which is understandable seeing as it was her class and I have yet to teach.  I decided to give her some space so we could both have some alone time. 

When I got to my room my scriptures were sitting right by my desk and I couldn’t think of anything that would be greater to do than read. I sat down and opened up to where I left off (I started over when I came to China).  I left off in 1 Nephi chapter 15. Verse three really choked me up, it reads “For he truly spake many great things unto them, which were hard to be understood, save a man should inquire of the Lord; and they being hard in their hearts; therefore they did not look unto the Lord as they ought.”

So many times in our lives we go through things and we are not sure why they happen, but we must inquire of the Lord and the reasons will be made clear to us eventually.  I know we may not know the reasons things happen to us immediately, but the Lord has a plan and as long as we are doing what we need to be doing, we cannot fail.  Heavenly Father is here for us and I put my full faith in him.  I know he has a plan for me and that I am supposed to be here in China with these amazing children that will teach me so much.  I am here to influence these people,  and to stop worrying and always thinking of me, and start serving and loving others.  In order to receive what I want and desire, I must put in the effort and put my full faith in God.  Life can be hard, but a positive attitude can make all the difference.  “we tend to seek happiness, when happiness is actually a choice.”  I choose to be happy and enjoy this wonderful opportunity I have been given to be here in China


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