Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Back to the Beginning

So I am trying to catch up on my adventure in China, so first I want to go back to my arrival tour in beijing.  This is my first e-mail home to my family after my first day in China:

I am in China :)  It is so amazing and beautiful here.  I guess i should tell you about the adventure of  getting here first.  Well I met the people in the group and they are so nice!  We all get along and I love them already.  We flew from Salt Lake to LA to Korea to Beijing.  Along the way I was fortunate enough to be the only one on crutches and the only one to get their baggage transfered to the wrong plane. yay! haha  Yeah, so I guess when we landed in Korea the airport people transfered my luggage to the wrong plane and my stuff ended up in some random city in Korea.  When we got to Beijing and my stuff was not there I got a little freaked out so I talked to the people at the airport but they spoke like 2 words of English but luckily we figured it out.  During this our instructor guy was saying he was going to wait for us and all that... but he forogt after it took so long, so me and Bridget roamed nervously around the airport with people who did not speak English but luckily I was smart enough to have one the instructors numbers written down before the events occurred.  So even though it cost bridget like 5 dollars, we used her phone and were able to get to the buses.  Luckily I had packed about everything I needed in my backpack to get by for a day besides pjs and clothes but i just borrowed Bridget's pjs and a shirt for today.  

When we got back to the hostel today after lunch during free time I checked the front desk and my luggage had been delivered!!!! :) oh happy day!  So all is well.  I am getting around perfectly without my crutches.  My feet are sore, but we did sooooo much walking this morning.  

Now on to the good stuff! It is beautiful here!  Our hostel is down some awesome chinese ally that looks like what you would see in movies.  It is unreal.  There are all these little shops and chinese people everywhere staring at you and laughing.  It's great.  The rooms are nice and me and Bridget have one all to ourselves and some girls that we have become really good friends with are like 2 doors down.  They are also in the city right next to us so we should see them a lot.  

So this morning we met and left for Tianamen Square which is so cool; there are all these classic Chinese architecture buildings and we were just able to walk around and explore.  Then we all met up and went to the Chinese museum.  After that we went to the Forbidden City, which is as cool as it sounds.  It is the most beautiful scenery and architecture.  A perfect picture everywhere.  We got to just explore and then head back to the hotel whenever as long as we were with a few people and felt comfortable enough to navigate around ourselves. So a group of us felt really comfortable that we could get back so we left after a while and got back with no problem or doubt ever.  We ate lunch together at this cute little whole in the wall resturaunt next to our hostel.  It was delicious.  it was some type of noodles and beef in a broth with steamed asparagus.  We had to order in Chinese (also known as just point).  The whole meal that honestly could have fed 3 of us plus a water was only about 3 American dollars.  Its great.  Right now we just have free time for another hour and then we are heading to group inner and a Kung fu show!  I am so excited!  Its a blast and so beautiful.  I can't wait for these four months.


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