Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 2 in Beijing

Email #2:
China is awesome.  Last night we went to this huge dinner and the food here is delicious by the way.  I love everything I have tasted so far.  Then we went to a Kung Fu show which was pretty amazing.  It was like beautiful dancing and fighting.  It was like so you think you can dance plus fighting!   :) 

So this morning I did one of the coolest things ever.  I HIKED THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA.  Yeah.  It was like the stair master times 2000.  We climbed and climbed and climbed and then climbed some more.  And on my ankle it was a little tough, but definitely worth it.   It was so beautiful and unlike anything i have ever done... then you hike down a little to this place where you TOBBAGEN down the whole mountain. 

Uhm it was the coolest thing I have ever done.  The guy that was working was like uhm no you cant go with your foot it is too dangerous, I was like uhm no! he made me get out of the cart and walk back to the ticket thing but then yelled my name and was like come back i was kidding! then he was like kiss for me? I was just laughing and then he pushed me and i started down the mountain! sooooo cool!!! :) 

Then we went to lunch then a jade factory and the ming tombs which was cool.  Now we have the night to ourselves so I'm finally going to shower.  Yeah I have no hygene here.  Its pretty gross. We have some time to just relax and get some food.  Its awesome here.  I am so grateful to be here and having these experiences.


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