Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Church and China

Email #3:
So it's been a couple days but the internet was not working.... but here's what we did on Saturday.  We went to the summer palace which was pretty, but alot like the forbidden city.  

Then we went to the pearl and silk markets for shopping.  Its the place where you yell and try to bargain with the chinese people for good deals.... it is so much fun, but also stressful because you know me... Im a pushover.  But im pretty proud I did a fairly good job and got some awesome deals that Im pretty happy about.  We also went to the Olympic Arena!

Sunday we went to church pretty far away where we traveled on subway but let me just tell you... I think it was one of the most awesome church experiences I have ever had.  The spirit here in China is incredible, which you would never think... but I am inlove with the members here.  So you know how there is no proseliting here at all, like we cant even say that we are mormon.  We are allowed to say we are christan and then immediately must change the subject.  They explained this to us and I just felt so heart broken but then they pointed to these two young men who were just baptized here in china just a month ago.  They are not chinese citizens but are living here, therefore have permission to be baptized.  They bore there testimonies and I bawled.  It is amazing.  There IS missionary work here in this land.  The gospel is being spread.  The Lord is finding a way for the people living here to be influenced, and I believe I am here to be an influence.  I know that i may not be able to verbally bear my testimony to these people, but I will, without a doubt, bare my testimony through my actions.  

I was reading in my patriarchal blessing  that night and it talks alot about me being a missionary and how I will share my testimony with those who have not had the opportunity to hear of the gospel.  I know I am here for a reason. This is where I need to be and the people of China will be influenced so that down the road when the missionaries are able to come here or they may travel to another country and run into the missionaries, I want them to remember me and remember all of us out here and see how happy we are and remember that they want that too.  I cant wait for these people to have the opportunity that we are so blessd to have.  I take it for granted all of the time that we are able to so freely share our testimony and knowledge and I never do, or never realize it.  And here, where it is so forbidden, all I want to do is shout it from the rooftops.  My heart breaks for these people, but I know that one day they will be so blessed and recieve the opportunity,and so many of them will just line up to be baptized.  I cant wait for that day.  

I was talking to this man from france that is over here going to a university and he said when he first moved here he was so alone and just feltlike i would be so hard to remain faithful, but he said it didnt matter that he was alone, he knew what he was doing and what he believd.  He followed the commandments and he knew that he could not faulter.  He COULD NOT!  I know that if we follow the commandments the Lord will bless us ten fold.  This is the true gospel and I am so gratuful to be apart of it and have the knowledge that I do.  


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