Thursday, November 22, 2012

They're not extinct

So many people like to believe that the dinosaurs are extinct.... well they are not! They are in China!!
........Well sort of.
They have this amazing amusement park here in China in the city of Changzhou.  It is the dinosaur park! It is not very known to foreigners... but let me just suggest to EVERYONE that comes to China... YOU MUST GO!! It was one of my favorite things to do in China.
We started out planning to go with a huge group, but me, Hadlee, Jess, and Steph didn't have minutes on our phones so we weren't able to communicate with the rest of the group.  The weekend had been really rainy so apparently the rest of the group decided not to go.  We didn't know this until later, even though we thought this might happen.  So we start our day early on a sketchy old bus and when we get there we don't see anyone we know.

We found out it was more expensive then we were told and that the big roller coaster was shut down at least at the moment. We stood outside the park for a while but then decided we might as well just go in since we traveled all the way there.

We went in and the first thing we see is this little path way into the trees! So why not go in? It was this wonderful safari where we hiked through mud and crossed rivers on slick rocks. We were all just laughing and made the best of it.  Who wouldn't want to pay 200 yuan to go on a dino safari?

slipping in the mud
the river :)
do the creep...

just one of the many pictures we were asked to take with some random people (like always)
We then game to a playground type place and decided to play on some of the equipment.

Then we decided to keep walking and we found tons of rides that we had no idea existed.  They weren't wimpy rides either.  There were some that threw you all around, shot you up to the sky, and and awesome indoor roller coaster.
we're a little special... 

We found some great fried rice for lunch.

Then there was the best part of the whole day... all of the sudden we all stop and just stare. There was an elephant!!!!!! We went over to it and the guy with it could see our excitement.  He told us we could go pay about 3 american dollars to ride it. YES! So we did. Yes, we rode the elephant.  It was one of the coolest things I have ever done.

Cutest picture ever right? She's smiling!!!!!

The park also had a great parade.

What we thought might be a terrible day, turned into one of my favorite days in China.Who  would have thought that the dinosaur park in Changzhou, China would be so great.
These girls definitely helped making the trip completely worth it. :)


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