Friday, November 2, 2012

A Little Home Away From Home

China is fantastic.  There are new experiences around each corner.  But naturally, just like being anywhere away from home, there will be things you miss.  One of those things is family.  Me and my family are very close, even though we are all now spread out where we live.  When we get together there is no way we will ever get to be before 1 in the morning.  I love me family, so being farther from them then I ever have is hard. Luckily, the Nanjing Branch here is full of families that are so caring.  One of these wonderful families, is especially special to me.  The Westovers.
They are an adorable family of 6 gorgeous blonde children and an outstanding mother and father.  They sent an email out to all of the China Horizons teachers offering for people to stay at their house on the weekend.  Seeing as we live fairly far from church we decided to accept the invitation.  We expected at most just a place to sleep.  We had no idea what we were getting.  We were getting a family.  A true family.  The first day when we were on our way to their house we received a text from Sister Westover saying that she had dinner and snacks for us, breakfast in the morning, and a sack lunch for the next day all ready.  On top of that a wonderful memory foam bed. Seriously? She is the sweetest woman.  I was basically fighting back tears seeing such a great woman.  She reminds me so much of my own mom.  Always giving and giving.  We spent the night shopping with the 3 oldest daughters and eating way more amazing food than necessary.  They are incredible.  
 Their Chinese Palace
Our 2 new best friends: Tiana and Mikayla 

 modeling on the palace couch
the pro squatters: Treven and Brannon 
The family is here for the dad's work.  When they first got the offer they were told it would only be a year.  Slowly they keep adding years, and now they are looking at possibly 5 more years.  The oldest daughter is almost 17 and the next 14.  You would think they would be mad at their family for moving them during their high school years, but they are not mad at all!  They are so open minded and just look for the positive side of everything.  They are such inspiring people.  The whole family is wonderful.  I am so grateful for them and their willingness to always let us stay with them.  They always make sure each visit we get fed.  And not just Chinese food, but the most amazing Western food.  It's like being back home with my mother's wonderful cooking. 


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