Thursday, November 8, 2012

Proud to be an American

With the 2012 election, there have been many negative and disappointing comments due to the results.  Living in China has opened my eyes to a lot of things, but I think one of the greatest things it has made me realize is that I am so lucky to be able to call myself an American.

We have a really amazing teacher here named Diamond.  We have had many political talks with him because he is very interested in the way America runs their country.  It has really opened my eyes to how little I do know, and has made me start to do my research.  Along the way he has shared much of China's political ways.  Today he shared more than he has ever shared and I would like to share some of this with you, especially to those of you that may be disappointed in the outcome of the elections.  Diamond's eyes were starting to tear up as he told me he was happy that Obama won.  He looked at me and said, I know that you like Romney and agree with his policies more, and I actually agree with the way he does things too, but today you guys had an election. An election where the people, where the common people, were able to vote for who they feel is qualified for the job.  No matter the outcome, you have rights.  You were able to vote.  Here in China, we do not. We do not get to vote for our leaders.  The common people have no say.  We are brain washed from the time we are little to simply do as the leaders say.  There is only one political party in China, the communist party.  If you are not apart of this party, you do not matter. Diamond then shared that he does not believe in this party and the way they do things, so even though he would love to matter, he cannot be a part of it. He will not be a part of it.  He kept on going with more and more reasons why we are so lucky to live in America and have the system we have. One thing that I thought was just crazy was the whole baby thing.  As most people know, there is a law in China about the one child per family.  He went into more detail about this and there was a lot that I did not know. You must write a letter asking for permission to have a child. Whatever the government says is what you must do.  So some people are not permitted to have any children at all.  So that means you must plan out pregnancy.  If someone gets pregnant without ever "applying" to have the baby, they must have an abortion.  Everyday there are millions of babies killed because of this.  It breaks my heart.  Diamond continued.  China does not have the rights we do.  We are so lucky.  

I could go on forever about why we are so blessed, but I do not have the time. I would just like to say that yes, I am a fan of Romney.  I did want him to win.  But he did not.  Barrack Obama is our President and I do support him.  I have faith in him and my prayers are with him. Before we go bashing this man, I would like to remember that he is our President and we are to respect this man.  We are so lucky to live in America and have the right to vote. Sometimes the results do not come how we want, but such is life, right? Be grateful and remember we are all Americans and we are a blessed country. I heard some people calling America a third world country, or that we are doomed.  FALSE. we are so blessed in America, so please remember and especially in this wonderful time of Thanksgiving, remember all that you have and find the little things to be grateful for. God Bless America.


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