Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tribute to Roxy

On the streets of China you can find them selling just about anything, including puppies.  Yes puppies. People will stand on the side of the road with about 20 puppies in one tiny cage! It breaks your heart to see these adorable puppies stuffed together, so on occasion we go and hold them.  

Who doesn’t love adorable puppies?  One day me and Bridget were out shopping in our city and decided to stop to hold the puppies for a while.  

Bridget started to get attached very quickly and decided to ask how much the puppy was.  The man asked for 200 yuan, which for those of you who do not know, that is about 33 american dollars.  

Bridget is in love with the puppy by this time, so she pulls out 150 yuan and puts her sad face on and the man gives it to her! That is 25 American dollars for a puppy!  (Also this same day our favorite cafe opens in our town which is great!)

We name the puppy, without ever checking to see if it is a boy or girl, Russell.  We later come to the realization that Russell is actually a Roxy…. So we fix that. Haha.  

We take Roxy on many adventures for about 2 weeks and then the bad news comes. Our head master finds out about the puppy and is furious!  He tells us to get rid of the puppy immediately.  We were told that girls before us had all kinds of pets and that it shouldn’t be a problem, but apparently it was.  W had to think fast and give her to a new family and now Roxy is gone. L But we will forever remember our little baby.  


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