Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Announcement

So this is a little old news.. but like I said before, I am trying to catch up.  So as most of you LDS people know, there was a monumental announcement this year in General Conference, which by the way was an amazing conference.  So, like many other people, this announcement was huge for me.  I wrote a journal entry about it earlier, but this blog is kind of like my "China journal" so I thought I should share my journal here since this announcement was such a big part added to my China Adventures.
October 6, 2012
"I think my life just changed. Actually, I feel like my life just fell into place.  There was a huge monumental moment today for the church.  President Monson announced at the beginning of conference that the mission age has been lowered.  That means boys can go at 18 and girls at 19 years old. yes 19 years old.  So yes the missionary age was lowered, but the bar was just raised.
So here I am in China about to go to bed when I get on to check facebook real quick.  Conference came on at midnight for us, so we just planned on watching it later.  But then I see all of these posts.  Everyone posted about it and I started freaking out! I immediately ran to Bridget's room without even catching my breath.  This is where it truly hit of what just happened.  Tears started streaming down our faces.  My heart was racing so fast and chills came crawling up my spine.  THIS IS REAL! I cant believe this really happened.
I feel so much peace about going on a mission at  this point in my life. It makes sense.  I reread my patriarchal blessing and everything feels so right.  I am so overcome with the spirit right now.  I know I cant go making any hasty decisions because I need to make sure this is the Lord's will, and not just mine.  There is much prayer and fasting that will need to happen, but I just feel like the Spirit is telling me this is right.
Also by this announcement being made, the mission force is going to be doubled. yes doubled.  Which is what needed to happen in order to be prepared to send missionaries to China.  We are slowly making our way to this being a possibility.  I can't even put into words my feelings right now.  I am so full of emotion right now. Nerves, excitement, happiness, comfort.  All I know is the church is so true.  It really is."
October 7, 2012
"This morning I went to church after only sleeping for about 2 hours.  I was too excited to sleep.  But something that I just need to say is that no matter the stress, the money, or how tired I am, the Church is always worth it.  ALWAYS.  I need it.  I crave it. Being in China was such a necessary thing for me.  I have been growing so much spiritually here.  This is the best mission prep for me.  And to think if they made this wonderful announcement and I didn't come here?  I honestly don't know if I would have been ready to take the call.  I am not saying I am completely ready or prepared, but I am far more prepared then I was a few months ago.  I needed this experience in my life.  Today I felt so strongly that a mission is for me.  I am going on a mission.  It is not the convenience. It is not th excitememnt of everyone going.  It is not even me.  I am going for the Lord.  I want to spread the word.  I want everyone to have what I have.  I want everyone to have this gospel.  I am beyond excited to start my papers and join so many of the wonderful missionaries already out in the field.  The church is true.  I wouldn't be going on a mission if I didn't know this.  How blessed we are to have a living prophet in these latter days that can receive divine revelation."

And just as an exciting announcement.. I am just about to turn in my papers! So hopefully soon I will be able to tell all about that great day when I get the call!

The Holiday

So this is a little overdue, but I am trying to catch up on all the exciting things that have happened in China lately!  We have been having complications with the internet here, but hopefully I can get caught up!  

In China they have a week long holiday the first week of October that celebrates the Fall Festival.  Everyone gets the week off to travel to different places.  We decided to travel with our favorite Chinese teacher, Orange.  
We started out going to Zhenjiang to spend some time with Kendall and Paige.  We had a successful time at the night market.  It is probably my favorite place I have been shopping so far.

Then we met up with Orange, Hadlee, and Jess to head to xu'jou.  This is the hotel we stayed at.

The next day we went to many historical sites for the Han Dynasty.

That night we went out dancing in the streets.  Me and Jess got private lessons from this lovely old teacher. He was kind enough to set down his cigarette for us. haha
Also on the bus ride home there were so many people that they got stools out and just sat in the isles.  I am pretty sure that would break about 50 laws in America.

Unfortunately, I got very sick and wasn't able to go out the rest of the trip, but at least we had a great time traveling.  I am happy we had Orange to take us around and explain so much of the history.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tribute to Roxy

On the streets of China you can find them selling just about anything, including puppies.  Yes puppies. People will stand on the side of the road with about 20 puppies in one tiny cage! It breaks your heart to see these adorable puppies stuffed together, so on occasion we go and hold them.  

Who doesn’t love adorable puppies?  One day me and Bridget were out shopping in our city and decided to stop to hold the puppies for a while.  

Bridget started to get attached very quickly and decided to ask how much the puppy was.  The man asked for 200 yuan, which for those of you who do not know, that is about 33 american dollars.  

Bridget is in love with the puppy by this time, so she pulls out 150 yuan and puts her sad face on and the man gives it to her! That is 25 American dollars for a puppy!  (Also this same day our favorite cafe opens in our town which is great!)

We name the puppy, without ever checking to see if it is a boy or girl, Russell.  We later come to the realization that Russell is actually a Roxy…. So we fix that. Haha.  

We take Roxy on many adventures for about 2 weeks and then the bad news comes. Our head master finds out about the puppy and is furious!  He tells us to get rid of the puppy immediately.  We were told that girls before us had all kinds of pets and that it shouldn’t be a problem, but apparently it was.  W had to think fast and give her to a new family and now Roxy is gone. L But we will forever remember our little baby.