Friday, August 31, 2012

Finding Light

So here I am, in China!!!! Yeah, this is real life.  Well, I have be here for over a week now but I haven't had great access to the internet, but now it is set up and should be good for a while.  I will have to catch up my blog with all of my exciting adventures last week and the explanation of my four months I will be spending in China, but that will have to wait just a little bit.

I have recently arrived in Yangzhang, Jiansu Provinence in China where I will be teaching English.  Last week
I was on tour all over Beijing, which was great, but to be honest, arriving in my new city has been a little hard.  The food and heat are really starting to take effect on my body. I feel dehydrated and sick and my body is covered in mesquito bites.  I have felt disconnected from those I love and care about most.  No one speaks English, and those who do, do not like to so they speak Chinese, and only Chinese. Our apartments have not been cleaned for eight months and were filthy.  After riding on a train for 6 hours we were expected to scrub them clean, our apartments which are not equipped how we were promised they would be.  Our bathrooms were promised to have a western toilet; we have a squatter in our shower basically.  It's safe to say, things are not how we expected.  Our directors at our school dont want us ever leaving our dorms, yet don't have a scedule for us, other than "stay in our dorms until they come knock on them to take you to do something."  I am homesick and miss simple familiarity.

I broke down tonight after a very hard day.  As I laid on my bed is a terrible mood I looked up to see some pictures that the last person to live here left.  They were obviousoly mormon; the pictures including Chrsit, President Monson, and the temple.  Tears filled my eyes.  The familiarity was so comforting, and the spirit filled my heart.  My Heavenly Father is here with me through everything.  I have been so blessed in my life and I know that I need this humbling experience.  In all the darkness I was feeling and that I may feel throughout this experience, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE LIGHT.  I have my heavenly Father to turn to at all times.  I have my scriptures to rely on and this wonderful opportunity lies ahead of me.  I know It will not be easy, but it will be worth it.  I am so thankful to have this experience ahead of me and I can't wait to see all of the things that are instore.  I'm not saying I will love every second, I know there will be plenty of hard times; but I plan on "finding the light" while I am here.